Mixed Roots Holiday Gift Guide

…ns relevant and just as important as ever. Gift Ideas: The Multiracial Child Resource book is a great gift for educators, community workers, youth workers, librarians, parents, etc. and only $15 (including shipping!). http://www.mavinfoundation.org/new/multiracial-child-resource-book/ https://www.facebook.com/mixedheritage Mixed Roots Stories “We are a non profit that believes that stories have the power to strengthen communities. We support…

CMRS Mixed-Race Irish Film Keynote Links

…y run by the Irish clergy whose work was commissioned by the state broadcaster RTE, produced The Black Irish, a documentary on mixed-race people in Kinsale, Montserrat. Recut trailer for Irish language TV channel TG4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QHYFXDGf4Y Full documentary: http://www.rte.ie/archives/exhibitions/1378-radharc/355633-the-black-irish/ In The Commitments (Parker, 1991), the black and mixed-race Irish are an absent presence as…

The Politics of Multi-Racial Identity-Part 4 of 4

…nder the impression that the question was about the revolts of 1968: http://www.historytoday.com/blog/news-blog/dean-nicholas/zhou-enlais-famous-saying-debunked?ip_login_no_cache=cd84e3312dd0f3dcf3c621eedcb4d701 . [2] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEO3H5BOlFk [3] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsZ6G7jmcMQ [4] http://chicagomaroon.com/2010/02/26/student-arrested-in-reg/ [5]…

The Politics of Multi-Racial Identity -Part 1 of 4

…lves”. It is my belief each could write a narrative similar to my own, and those with multiple aspects could note the role of intersectionality in these debates.   [1] Stuart Hall, “Race as a Floating Signifier”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRk9MZvOd2c [2] As an informal guide, the Wiki page on Deconstruction is helpful: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deconstruction#From_diff.C3.A9rance_to_deconstruction [3] For this particular commercial:…

The Politics of Multi-Racial Identity – Part 3 of 4

…ority of us knew and understood the experience of being low-income as a large difficulty. A number of friends were frustrated by a lack of understanding as to why affirmative action helped make a level playing-field, but I found it easier to discuss with my high school classmates, a majority of which had their own problems navigating the racial hierarchy. The transition to the University of Chicago thus became a similar marker. I had spent…

Mixed Roots Stories goes LIVE at #CMRS 2014

…global cast, for the LIVE event. Here are some of the clips from the LIVE event on the closing night of the conference! Note: Mature Language in several of the pieces. Part 1 – Joe Hernandez-Kolski (with guest Dustin) www.pochojoe.com Part 2– Joe Hernandez-Kolski www.pochojoe.com Part 3-Tangled Roots (Katy Massey, Zodwa Nyoni, Lladel Bryant, Adam Lowe) www.tangledroot.org.uk Part 5-Tania Cañas www.tania-canas.squarespace.com Part…

When the Spirit Says Do

…partment to address bias. With so much to do, it’s a start. Poems: http://allpoetry.com/I-Continue-To-Dream http://allpoetry.com/Let-America-Be-America-Again http://allpoetry.com/Freedom’s-Plow Songs: If I Had a Hammer www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaWl2lA7968 When The Spirit Says Do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OszKIhFRsQ The Fire of Commitment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYKPtFPMf7A Jenn Kanze-Eaton lives by the sea in Plymouth…

2014 Critical Mixed Race Studies Conference

…ur,” leads a workshop on solo show writing and writes for TheDisplacedNation.com. Fred Sasaki “How to Hafu it All: Three Easy Steps to 100%” Fred Sasaki is art director for Poetry magazine, a gallery curator for the Poetry Foundation, founding organizer of the Printers Ball, and co-founder of Homeroom Chicago’s “101″ lecture series. With his son and late father he is the author of the zine series, FRED SASAKI’S & FRED SASAKI’S FOUR PAGER…

Historical Little Tokyo Bike Ride

…agettes and Workers on Bikes.” Crazyguyonabike, 26 Jan. 2007, 04:47, crazyguyonabike.com/doc/page/?page_id=46873 Erdman, Shelby Lin. “How the Bicycle Changed the World for Women.” CNN, Cable News Network, 7 June 2011, http://www.cnn.com/2011/LIVING/06/06/women.bicycle/index.html O’Connor, Brion. “Honoring Major Taylor, America’s First Black World Champion.” SI.com, Sports Illustrated, 25 Feb. 2015,…